This is a placeholder page until I find the time to create a decent website to list all my side projects 😄
A wishlist application that allows visitors to create and share wishlists. Lijsje allows you to easily create lists and sublists without requiring registration. Lijsje features seamless multiplayer, so that when someone checks off an item from a list, other people watching that list won't be able to delete the same item.
Furthermore, Lijsje integrates with the product catalogues of some major retailers like Amazon, Coolblue and MediaMarkt.
Lijsje is created in Laravel with Livewire and uses many other fun technologies such as Tailwind and Websockets.

How many X do you have left?
Endgame step counter towards your demise. Endgame is a tracker that counts down instead of up. How many steps, naps, heartbeats, burgers... do you have left?
Endgame is created with React Native (Expo). It utilizes Redux for state management and integrates with Apple Healthkit for health tracking.
Woordje is a Dutch Wordle clone. It has been going strong for more than a 1000 days.

Created in Next.js.
Wannabes is Belgium's finest rock photography collective. I co-founded it.
Built with Next.js - on top of a GraphQL wrapper that talks to an old Meteor.js backend.
